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  • Microsoft Onenote
    by Clondon at 16:52 on 29 November 2009
    Hi All

    My laptop has Microsoft Onenote 2007 on it. Has anybody used this program to organise their work in progress?
    I'd be interested to hear how you got on with it.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Re: Microsoft Onenote
    by NMott at 17:34 on 29 November 2009
    I can just about cope with Word but I believe others use a variety of software packages for writers.
  • Re: Microsoft Onenote
    by EmmaD at 18:25 on 29 November 2009
    I use it for organising teaching, and collecting stuff about events and so on - chiefly for being able to drag stuff off the internet, keep bits of emails, etc. but also my own lists and notes - and I really like it for that.

    But I mostly plan and write with pen on paper, so I doubt if I'd find it any more useful than a word process.

  • Re: Microsoft Onenote
    by Clondon at 09:54 on 30 November 2009
    Thanks for the replies. Good to hear that the pen and paper haven't gone out of fashion.
  • Re: Microsoft Onenote
    by BenWS at 23:14 on 08 December 2009
    I noticed this software at work a few months ago and did think that it could be useful for story writing.

    I see that Amazon have it for around £34.00 but I may be able to borrow a licence from work and give it a whirl on my laptop. If I can get hold of it i'll let you know what it's like.

    I have noticed that EmmaD uses a combination of both software and pen and paper. Maybe that is the best way to be as you can't take a laptop everywhere!
  • Re: Microsoft Onenote
    by Clondon at 23:38 on 08 December 2009
    Thanks BenWS

    I've been playing around with it and found it great for capturing web pages as EmmaD said,not a lot else though.
