Does anyone know if there is a correct wording in the subject bar when sending email queries (ie, like do you have to put 'query' and then your name and book). I never know if there is a right or wrong way of wording the subject bar when sending an email query so any help would be appreciated on this subject.
For UK agents I just say
Re: Novel Submission - title
or for US agents:
Re: Query - title
Double check whether or not they accept queries sent as attachments. A lot of them won't open attachments.
Thanks for that once again. And you're right. I do check if they accept attachments. Generally, most of them want a brief overview of the piece (about 250 words or so), but if they do ask for writing samples, they ask for it in the body of the email. Generally I think they don't like attachments, for obvious reasons. Could have a virus in there.