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  • Typewriters
    by Typewriterauthor at 08:48 on 06 August 2004
    I am researching a commissioned feature on writers and typewriters.
    Like me, does anyone still use a typewriter? If not for editing and printing finished work, then at least for day-to-day creation.
    If so I'd like to hear from you, with details of the machine and obviously why?
    I'm also looking for pictures - got any, or any suggestions?
    Cliff Goodwin
  • Re: Typewriters
    by Ticonderoga at 09:29 on 07 August 2004
    Cliff - Hi! I've rear your Reed, Hancock & Harris, and I have to say they're all exemplary: neither carpingly critical nor hagiographic, just fair-minded and even-handed.
    Anyway, I'm a typewriter man - until last year I had an ancient 3-gear electric which shook like a Sherman tank and had no 'q'! I now have an exotic 1970's Italian job which has some letters in odd places and keeps me thinking........
    I need to write longhand first, then re-draft, edit etc. on the typewriter; it's something to do with retaining a physical element, so it doesn't become too abstract and airy-fairy (I hope!).
    P.S. I really wish someone would write a biography of Wilfrid Lawson, THE GREATEST ACTOR WHO EVER LIVED!


  • Re: Typewriters
    by Typewriterauthor at 10:51 on 08 August 2004
    Many thanks for replying to my typewriter appeal - although at the moment you would appear to be the only one!
    I assume from your description you are using an old Olivetti [pale blue, a Lettera 32 or Studio 44?]If it's got obscure keys [the "!" is where the "." should be and you need to shift to get a full stop] then its probably made in Spain.
    Could you go into the process of writing a little more? I'm searching for quotes here. Have you always written this way? Have you never tried writing directly on to a computer, as I have, and backed off to a typewriter? And why?
    I'm assuming you do not mind being included in the feature? If so, even your thoughts would be healpful.
    Best wishes and thanks for the kind comments on the books.
  • Re: Typewriters
    by Ticonderoga at 11:09 on 08 August 2004

    That's the typewriter! Let me think over your questions and I'll send you a 'piece' by ww-mail soon.


  • Re: Typewriters
    by TheGodfather at 18:03 on 08 August 2004

    I wouldn't dream of using a typewriter, no offense. If I want to see a physical copy, I print it out. I usually do that to edit my own things. It creates a separatedness from my own writing enough at least for me to see it in a new light. I think the main reason might be because I'm lazy. I don't like typing things again, but I do see the benefits in typing it again. I personally write out my stories by pen on the first draft and by the time it ends up in the computer, it's a vague representation of the written piece, mostly because the first draft is always weak. I could be convinced though, to use a typewriter that is, if I were to see the benefit.

  • Re: Typewriters
    by anisoara at 14:22 on 16 August 2004
    I haven't used a typewriter for years, although I did use one as a child.

    At the moment, a typewriter sounds good, but for one reason only: I have used up my toner cartridge and can't afford a new one!

    (Actually, the colour cartridge is out, and will not let me use the black toner. What an infuriating design!)
