I have an entire hive in my bonnet about kids misbehaving at school because they're not intellectually taxed. Give them ancient Greek, poetic scansion and authors from 100 and 200 years ago and they are on the edge of their seats with interest. Too often they're treated like they want to be stuffed full of contemporary mediocrity and they don't. |
Re. that horrid teacher - I've been quite surprised by the level of antagonism I've seen in primary schools in recent years (working as a pt classroom assistant when I was doing my Masters, visiting schools as a volunteer with my local women's centre, and most recently going to see a friend's son receiving an award). So many of the teachers appear to be a) overworked and harried, and inclined to expect the worst of their students, and b) not engaged to a very high level with any particular subject (cf. your point about 'that went on a bit long, dinnit?' - ye gods!). Obviously I'm in no position to judge, and I'm sure there are loads of amazing, inspirational, intelligent and lovely teachers out there...but it does seem a terrible waste to think that, for many kids, a visit from someone such as your, cherys, could be the first really eye-opening and empowering experience they'll have had in a classroom setting.
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