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  • London Writers Competition 2006
    by Giltspur at 13:15 on 14 November 2006
    Apologies if this is the wrong Forum, but I thought this would be of interest to anyone else who had entered this competition.

    Apparently there's been a delay to the judging. The rules for the competition originally stated that winners would be notified by the end of October, but according to the website for Wandsworth Council, winners will now be published in January 2007.

    There's a link here:

    in case anyone wants to keep an eye on it.

  • Re: London Writers Competition 2006
    by Giltspur at 11:00 on 09 February 2007
    Further to my earlier post, the website for the London Writer's Competition has now been amended to say that the competition winners will now be announced during February (i.e. this month).

    I don't know whether anyone else entered this competition, but I do think that this further delay is appalling. I entered because I'd understood that the competition had an excellent reputation and was reassured by the fact that it's run by Wandsworth Council in conjunction with Roehampton University. For them to miss their own original deadline of October could perhaps be forgiven, but to miss their second, self-set deadline of January shows breathtaking incompetence - particularly when there has been no attempt to explain the reason behind either delay and they charge an entry fee for the privilege.

    I certainly won't be entering this again in the future and based on this year's experience, I'd caution other people against it as well.
  • Re: London Writers Competition 2006
    by Giltspur at 14:25 on 01 March 2007
    Surprise, surprise once again the list of winners has not been posted on the website as advertised and once again there is no information being provided as to why it has now been 4 months without such a list being produced.

    This is a shoddy and unprofessional situation that the people at Wandsworth Council and the University of Roehampton should feel thoroughly ashamed of.
  • Re: London Writers Competition 2006
    by Giltspur at 14:30 on 01 March 2007
    Surprise, surprise once again the list of winners has not been posted on the website as advertised and once again there is no information being provided as to why it has now been 4 months without such a list being produced.

    This is a shoddy and unprofessional situation that the people at Wandsworth Council and the University of Roehampton should feel thoroughly ashamed of.


    Sorry - double post!
  • Re: London Writers Competition 2006
    by scout at 11:52 on 02 March 2007
    It's a bit rubbish, isn't it? I entered too, and I was thinking of emailing them to ask what's going on (there's an address on the council website), but I'm too scared it might harm my already pitifully low chances of winning anything! I'd be really interested to know if you find anything out.

  • Re: London Writers Competition 2006
    by Giltspur at 13:58 on 08 March 2007
    I'm too scared it might harm my already pitifully low chances of winning anything! I'd be really interested to know if you find anything out.

    I've decided to wash my hands of the whole thing and have submitted the story to a few publications instead. They don't even have a revised timetable up on the website now, which doesn't surprise me but does make them look ridiculous. The administration is a complete joke and in the highly unlikely event that I did get anywhere, I'm not sure I'd accept it!

    Bah to them all!