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  • 2 Upcoming Opportunities for Film/TV Writers
    by Lianne at 14:34 on 09 March 2006

    IWC have just announced the details of the next 'Coming Up' Competition. It's open to all writers without a primetime TV credit and they are looking for 30 minute scripts suitable for a late night channel 4 screening. Deadline for a 1/2 page synopsis is 18th April, and full details here.

    Also, Open Eye productions are looking for submissions for low budget UK based film scripts - all genres accepted but they are particularly looking for romantic comedies. Deadline is 13th March, but the are looking for a 40 word synopis and 40 words about a main character, which is achieveble! Details here.

    Good luck to anyone applying!
  • Re: 2 Upcoming Opportunities for Film/TV Writers
    by Account Closed at 07:11 on 11 March 2006
    Lianne, that (Open Eye) is quite a challenge - a good exercise for any writer!
  • Re: 2 Upcoming Opportunities for Film/TV Writers
    by Lianne at 13:06 on 12 March 2006

    Hi Elspeth,

    Yes, it's certainly been an interesting exercise. I'm ready to email it off noe so fingers crossed!
