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  • Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by EmmaD at 12:57 on 06 February 2006
    Just had this forwarded to me, and thought WWers might be interested, specially those who, like me, find the usual word limits ridiculously short:


    From The Royal Society of Literature

    The Royal Society of Literature is seeking (urgently, desperately, madly) calibre entries for the V.S. Pritchett short story competition. We are really trying to tap into valued sources of committed writers. We are aware that many writers do not know of this prize. We hope you can encourage entries? This is a great creative opportunity not only offering £1,000 together with prestigious publication, but the chance to write the 'long' short story - rare nowadays - of 2 -5,000 words. Visit http://www.rslit.org/prizes/pritchett.php for application form and details.
    Deadline: 14th February 06 but extended to end of week 3 of Feb - Monday 20th Feb.

    The Royal Society of Literature
    Somerset House

    t: 0207 845 4677 (direct line)
    f: 0207 845 4679
    e: julia@rslit.org

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by Elbowsnitch at 13:22 on 06 February 2006
    Good God! I've never dared enter for this competition - something about the name V.S. Pritchett I found rather daunting. But perhaps I will now, if they're really short of entries. Thank you, Emma!

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by EmmaD at 13:40 on 06 February 2006
    I know, it's surprising. There's a thought that a lot of potential entries have been creamed off by the National Short Story Prize, (though that has more restricted entry criteria), which may be why they're short.

    Anyway, nothing to lose, as they say, except £5, of course.

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by Anna Reynolds at 15:54 on 06 February 2006
    It's been in Jobs and Opps for a little while, but how encouraging to go for it knowing they are positively wanting more entries! Good luck, anyone who does.
  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by EmmaD at 16:14 on 06 February 2006
    I don't think their PR is very good, or they'd have more, and the tone of the post suggests they know it, too. It's a big prize, and publication too. Good luck, all.

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by Account Closed at 18:37 on 06 February 2006
    Yes, I've already entered this, so I'm probably one of the substandard entries they want to forget!!


  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by Sibelius at 19:48 on 06 February 2006
    Thanks Emma for highlighting this. Now with two weeks to go have I got time to write something up? Hmmm....

    By the way, for those who like short short story competitions, a reminder that the Fish Publishing One Page short story competion (250 words max) closes on March 4th. Entry fee is a bit steep but you do get 1,000 euros plus publication in an anthology for winning.

    You can access the website at Fish Publishing

    And then we can all look forward to the Bridport and wondering how we are supposed to write novels as well...
  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by DJC at 10:08 on 07 February 2006
    Thanks, Emma - well, nothing to lose, other than the fiver, as you say.
  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by EmmaD at 10:19 on 07 February 2006
    Anne, don't do yourself down; it's quantity they need, as well as quality. They're probably putting the emphasis on 'calibre entries' (horrid phrase!) to cover the embarrassment of not having enough entries of any sort. Maybe they just haven't made enough in entry fees to cover the judging session's bill for Chardonnay, let alone the prize.

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by rogernmorris at 10:33 on 07 February 2006
    Thanks for posting this Emma. Might have a shot - not that I've got anything worth entering.
  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by EmmaD at 13:36 on 07 February 2006
    not that I've got anything worth entering

    I'm not usually of the 'all you need is faith in yourself' brigade, but can I suggest not letting your Inner Critic loose on this kind of subject?

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by rogernmorris at 14:32 on 07 February 2006
    Ah, yes, the inner critic. I'll bind and gag him and lock him under the stairs. But then, you see, there are the judges - what can I do about them?
  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by EmmaD at 17:04 on 07 February 2006
    Nothing. But if you have your Inner Critic well and truly throttled, you won't need to!

  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by DJC at 15:37 on 09 February 2006
    Ah, yes, the inner critic. I'll bind and gag him and lock him under the stairs. But then, you see, there are the judges - what can I do about them?

    For a small fee I can supply you with their names and addresses...
  • Re: Desperately Seeking Entries for the V S Pritchett Prize
    by rogernmorris at 15:38 on 09 February 2006
    Hmm. Yes. Well, I wish it were that simple. I think I can hear some banging from the cupboard under the stairs.
  • This 22 message thread spans 2 pages: 1  2  > >