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  • Question about word counts
    by debac at 14:08 on 30 August 2010
    If a comp states a word count of no more than 1000 words, say, then does that include the title, and should I put the word count at the bottom and does putting the word count get included in the word count.

    Eg, story is 998 words, title is 2 words, writing 998 words is 2 words.

    What counts in the word count? Or should I not put the word count at the bottom? I am used to putting something, either a word count or (ends).

    I don't do comps much so can anyone advise, urgently please???


  • Re: Question about word counts
    by Steerpike`s sister at 14:16 on 30 August 2010
    I wouldn't have thought that anything that wasn't the story itself was counted. To me, that doesn't include the title (unless your title is several parags. long!) or the bit where you write Word count: 998.
  • Re: Question about word counts
    by debac at 15:01 on 30 August 2010
    Thanks Leila. Much appreciated. I thought that should be the case, but was just making sure. Would be so annoying to be disqualified for one word that I didn't realise would be included!
  • Re: Question about word counts
    by GaiusCoffey at 19:14 on 30 August 2010
    The best advice is to RTFM... Every competition I've looked up that specifies a word-count also has somewhere in there a line that says "not including the title" or "including the title" or something similar.

    If it doesn't specify, my instinct would be to agree with Steerpike's Sister as, with the exception of the ultra-short flashes, I don't see how the wordcount is enough of an obstacle to make a title significant.

  • Re: Question about word counts
    by EmmaD at 20:47 on 30 August 2010
    Yes, I wouldn't count the title.

  • Re: Question about word counts
    by debac at 10:48 on 31 August 2010
    Thanks Emma.

    Gaius, I did RTFM and it doesn't say. It's just one page of double-spaced instructions. You don't think I would have thought of that before posting on here? ;-P
  • Re: Question about word counts
    by Mox at 02:26 on 01 September 2010
    Why would you mention title's word into your work's word count. There is no point of doing that, all you need to mention your work's word-count -- that's all.
