Did any WriteWords people get through? I didn't
I've heard of both Jo Cannon and Wes Lee. They are both pretty committed short fiction writers. Their names appear regularly on shortlists.
Poetry-wise, however, two people from the BWA facebook group got into the final. Both are young and, er... 'fresh' might be the word?
One writes poetry for children
Has anyone else received an email telling them they got into the top 30 in their round and are therefore being offered tickets for the event?
I know more than one person who has, that's all...
Hi, I just heard this morning, with the offer of two comp tickets, I was in the last thirty! Which is nice, but I do feel there's something awry when that piece of work entered actually got that far. The main work entered: a short story, was a 'real' sweated over entry,but it didn't get placed,-that's fine,-I'm new at this and it was an experience working to the deadline etc. But the five poems I also entered, basically to justify the ten pound fee, got through! These were in actual fact, copied and pasted from earlier 'syrupy-overblown-prose' of mine, with no form or recognized rules applied. This for me was a giggle at the time of doing it, but then, who the ....! was looking at the stuff to let them get through, turning down the legitimate work someone has sweated for! I'm not being ungrateful, it's the 'BIGGER PICTURE!' It just seems there's an awful lot of people in this world who set themselves up to judge the work of others, but have little idea of what they are talking about.
Nope, didn't received that email. How depressing
But well done to you and your friends, however!
Quite an achievement given the number of entrants!
Ouch. No, I didn't get the email either. God, it's depressing sometimes, isn't it?
But well done to those who did.
And I've only just got over the fact I didn't make it as a finalist. Now I'm depressed all over again!
I take it they won't be issuing a rankings list? Anyone heard anything about that?