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  • Always read the rules...
    by bjlangley at 14:21 on 13 December 2004
    Seems so obvious, doesn't it? If there are rules they must be followed, or you're onto a loser before you even get started.

    Rather foolishly I wrote a story (luckily only a flash under 500 words) for a competition without first doing that. (The Elvis one for those of you that saw it in the jobs and ops section). So I writes me a story, and leave it to mellow for a while. At the weekend I pick it up again, edit it, cut it to get it under 500 words, then check the website.

    All entrants must live or work in Nottinghamshire.

    Bugger. At least I've got a piece of flash polished and ready for something else.

    Anyway, I thought it would be a good time to supply a little reminder, hopefully stop anyone else following in my goofy footsteps. Not that anyone else would be that stupid, would they?

    Right, I'm off to write 10000 words for a competition without realising it's only open to women...
  • Re: Always read the rules...
    by Account Closed at 16:18 on 13 December 2004
    and it was a good one too, Ben. never mind - recycle - send it somewhere else.

    I always get frustrated with the UK residents only or under whatever age (coa I'm generally over)or a competition (recently in the ww jobs and opps) for new radio writers (great!), but your play had to have been on the radio in 2004 to be eligible (oh!)

  • Re: Always read the rules...
    by Account Closed at 16:36 on 13 December 2004
    Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
    - Elbert Hubbard
  • Re: Always read the rules...
    by Jardinery at 16:54 on 13 December 2004
    sometimes those little extras kill ya...
  • Re: Always read the rules...
    by Nell at 18:16 on 13 December 2004
    IB, have you recently invested in a book of quotations? (I do like them though!)
  • Re: Always read the rules...
    by Account Closed at 22:06 on 13 December 2004
    I'm merely quotationally blessed.
  • Re: Always read the rules...
    by eyeball at 13:44 on 18 December 2004
    Never mind, Ben. I got as far as actually sending it in, so you weren't the only one to get caught out. It does say at the top that the only condition is that it must contain an Elvis title, but that obviously isn't the only condition. Bad Radio Nottingham!