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  • How to layout a short story for a competition
    by Beverley at 16:06 on 10 May 2009

    I have noticed that a lot of short story competitions just advise the word count, double line spacing on one side of A4 and numbered on the bottom of each page.

    What about your name and the story title? Would you put that centred on the front cover or would you put you name and the title in the header of each page.

    Hope you can help.

  • Re: How to layout a short story for a competition
    by EmmaD at 17:23 on 10 May 2009
    Lots of competitions are judged anonymously, so you shouldn't have your name on anything which means the story itself could be identified.

  • Re: How to layout a short story for a competition
    by cherys at 19:09 on 10 May 2009
    I'd second that. Name, contact details, title, word count on the front page. The only details you'd need in a header or footer are page numbers (essential) and title which are helpful if the pages get separated accidentally.
  • Re: How to layout a short story for a competition
    by Beverley at 22:14 on 10 May 2009
    Thanks Both for the info.

    Best Regards: Bev
  • Re: How to layout a short story for a competition
    by Jem at 11:33 on 11 May 2009
    I think that the regulations are quite specific in each competition and that you simply have to follow their rules.