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  • Re: Richard&Judy £50,000 Novel Competition.
    by Okkervil at 21:50 on 27 November 2004
    I just saw a guy wearing a brown loafer and a black lace up as opposed to a matching pair of either variety.
  • Re: Richard&Judy £50,000 Novel Competition.
    by Zigeroon at 15:58 on 04 January 2005

    The theory was that the Long List would be notified by Christmas. I haven't been notified, pause for tears and sad reflection and reality check, but I wondered if anyone had heard anything about notification being given to anybody?

    I can't find any reference to the results on any Channel 4 website related to the show.

  • Re: Richard&Judy £50,000 Novel Competition.
    by Account Closed at 16:03 on 04 January 2005
    it's incredible the lack of communication on the subject. Someone has created a website for discussions from hopefuls and general writing discussion too. There is an update on there. it's called writingblock.co.uk

    Shortlist has been promised for January now, i think...
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