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  • Poetry Please on BBC4
    by GreenK18 at 15:02 on 09 February 2009
    Calling “Poetry Please” lovers!

    BBCFOUR are making a documentary on the Radio 4 stalwart programme “Poetry Please” which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

    Have you uncovered a long-lost relative, win a true love, or settle an argument over “Poetry Please”? Are you a diehard fan, who knows all the producers’ names by heart and requests a poem twice weekly? Perhaps “Poetry Please” forms part of your weekly routine in an unusual way – do you listen to free verse while free running, sonnets while sailing, haikus while hairdressing?

    If you have an anecdote or a touching tale to tell, we’d love to hear from you. Contact the programme’s researcher, Katie Greening at katie.greening@bbc.co.uk.