Tune in after the break: R&J are launching a competition for novelists with a £50,000 publishing deal with Pan MacMillan as the prize. Worth taking note of, I think.
What kind of copy Adam? I'm afraid I didn't tape it.
There doesn't seem to be anything in the rules about residency requirements, but you would have to go on the show if you made it to the final. Are you thinking of entering? The show goes out at 5pm, so I suspect they're looking for something the could quote then without too many beeps.
The Pan publishing director said something I found very interesting, which was that they can help with things like pace and structure, but she thought the ability to write good dialogue was very important. That sounds like one of your strengths.
The deadline is 15th October, but they only want one chapter (Ms Pan hinted that about 25 pages would be good) and a synopsis. The Ts&Cs are on the second link above.
the only Briitish channel I get is BBC, but I'll take your word and link for it, that this Richard and Judy are the real deal. Have to get cranking. Money is always a huge motivator for me.
I scanned over their site.
Richard and Judy are just begging to be parodied by Saturday Night Live. I can totally picture a skit based on this dynamic duo(Will Ferrell and Cheri O'Teri).
Adam, Sion says they told him they only want UK residents, even though it's not there in the rules. I guess they need someone they can track easily. Sorry
I'm sure you would be great on TV.