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  • Seeking Liverpool’s Perfect Book
    by Nell at 12:09 on 15 August 2004
    A very small prize, but if you've read Holes and feel like writing a review - good practice in collecting and focussing thoughts - I found this:

    The Reader needs suggestions for the ideal book for a city-wide read in Liverpool. The book for this year’s Liverpool Reads… is Holes by Louis Sacher. We'll give you more on Holes and Liverpool Reads 2004 when the project is officially launched to the press on the 7th of September. Meanwhile we are casting our thoughts forward to next year's Liverpool Reads... and we're asking for your help in finding another great book for the 2005 project. We also have a brand-new copy of Clare Morrall’s novel, Astonishing Splashes of Colour, or a gift subscription to The Reader magazine, waiting to be posted to the first person to send us a 300+ word Reader Recommendation for Holes.

    The Reader


    Seeking Liverpool's Perfect Book

    On second thoughts a gift subscription to The Reader is pretty good for 300+ words!

    NB I'm a member of the site but otherwise not connected to The Reader.