Not me.
I entered last year and, at each stage of the process, I had to email a couple of times for info. Then, when she finally told me I wasn’t shortlisted, she gave a reason that mystified me so much I asked her to explain. Turned out she was thinking of someone else’s novel. She still turned mine down, saying that stories about abandoned haunted houses were a cliché. Funny that, I’d thought it would be in with a good chance because that’s the sort of story she writes…
We receive many hundreds of entries a year and I apoogise if we made an initial muddle over yours. I have checked your e-mails to us in the archive and find that you initially first e-mailed us asking for news as you were about to go on holiday.
I have just put up a long post about the competition and the first two published winners on the competitions forum. I hope no one will be put off from entering if they qualify as these novelists have had great success and ALL the shortlisted books are also considered by both Simon and Schuster and a top London literary agent.
There is no entry fee of course. But we cannot give feedback or criticism - as I say, we received hundreds of entries. No publisher will give this unless for a book they are actively considering. There are many literary consultancies who mprovide critiques for payment though I have no experience of them and do not know if they are any good.
One last point - I have an open mind about what kind of novel, within the rules, may turn out to be the best but I can assure you that what I write/have written (or not) has absolutely NO bearing on it.
Susan Hill