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  • Anyone manage to get 1 of the BBC short story books for the comp?
    by Watson at 19:51 on 24 April 2004
    I decifered one of the clues, which was a pub, a few hundred yards from where I work. It was only the next day since the clues were published and the Landlord said the books he had been given were all gone! Anyway I registered on the site and will get a download of one of the stories in about 10 days.


    I've just seen the other thread about this now and I feel a right plonker..Sorry all! I've now read it and found the answers to my own question!
    Well done to all those who managed to get a book. And Colin-M, if you've still got that spare......
  • Re: Anyone manage to get 1 of the BBC short story books for the comp?
    by Colin-M at 10:35 on 26 April 2004
    Sorry, it went to paperback. It's only a few days to go till they're published online anyway.

    Colin M
  • Re: Anyone manage to get 1 of the BBC short story books for the comp?
    by Watson at 20:40 on 26 April 2004
    Thanks Colin. One of my colleagues from work managed to get one today. I'm going to photocopy one of the stories tomorrow.