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  • Multiple submissions?????
    by Gecko at 10:38 on 27 February 2004
    After receiving yet another rejection, this time from PDF Literary agency, I'm am getting frustrated that I send off one submission, have to waut three months only to get a rejection. A rejection is hard enough but if I have to wait three months each time (this isnt the first!) I'm begining to think one large multiple submission is the answer. So what do you all think? Should I walk the dark side? Do you??
  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by James Anthony at 10:45 on 27 February 2004
    This questions has been asked before

    See this link for the discussion


    If that worked I have learned something new today


  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by Terry Edge at 10:53 on 27 February 2004

    3 months is not very long, believe it or not. Agents and editors used to make it an iron rule that they would not accept multiple submissions (and some still do). This was obviously for their benefit, in that they knew they were getting an exclusive look at your work. But they have had to accept in recent years that, given how long they take to reply to authors (and it can be anything up to a year), it isn't reasonable to expect people to wait. Also, given that editors/agents take even less unsolicited authors than they used to, you could quite easily use up your entire remaining years finding one. So, multiple submissions is acceptable. But you should of course tailor each one to the individual editor or agent: find out what they specialise in, show that you've studied their lists, find out the name of the person responsible, etc. With agents (and probably publishers), you should mention that you are sending your work to others: this is not just politeness but it may even help you - if they like what they read, they'll be keener to get to you first.

    Good luck,

  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by Account Closed at 10:58 on 27 February 2004
    I really don't see why authors should have to show any respect to publishers at all until they actually agree to take some work on.

    If I ever get around to submitting some of my work to publishers (unlikely), then I will mail several publishers at once with the same work.

    Moreover, I will track who I sent what to, and upon receipt of a rejection, will immediately mail a separate piece of work to that publisher.

    The only potential problem I see is if more than one publisher aceepts the same piece of work, which is almost as unlikely as me actually submitting in the first place. And upsetting a publisher by withdrawing your work seems to me ample compensation for the author anyway for having to put up with so many rejections in the first place.

    End of rant.
  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by Terry Edge at 11:03 on 27 February 2004

    If you get two publishers wanting your work at the same time, you go straight to an agent (any agent) who will snap you up and immediately arrange an auction. Wouldn't that be something.

  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by Gecko at 11:04 on 27 February 2004
    Many thanks to both James and Terry. I'm going to start on the multiple submissions as I would like to see something published if it is at all possible, while I am still able to focus on it, hopefully before senile dementia sets in!

    Interesting point about letting them know that they are receiving a multiple submission. On one hand is your point that it will make them more eager to read and respond if they like it...on the other hand, they may also just cast it into the bin straight away thinking its not worth reading if others are doing the same,hmmmmmmm.
  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by Terry Edge at 11:07 on 27 February 2004

    I understand your concern, but editors/agents will be more likely to respect your professionalism if you tell them that you're submitting to others. Also, if they do like your stuff, it's better that you've started a relationship which, even in today's commercial world can become a lifelong friendship, with honesty.
  • Re: Multiple submissions?????
    by Gecko at 11:15 on 27 February 2004
    Thanks Terry, point taken and yes I agree. My submissions will point out that I am making a multiple submission.
    As I write for a limited market, my manuscript is aimed at the young adult 12+ /adult market, it will be a smaller submission anyway. Ok Im off to buy some stamps!
    Good luck to all.