This is like trying to pick up mercury, Andrew. I’ve been trawling through some of my reference books and found very little consistency on what defines a genre.
I did, however, read in one of them (The Writer’s Digest Handbook of Novel Writing) that Stephen King, Dean Koontz and Stephen Donaldson – among others - began their careers writing what is known in America (it’s an American book) as
drugstore fiction but have transcended the genre so their work is now called simply
fiction. They have, it says, played with the mix and stretched the boundaries.
So where does that leave us? We’re all, I think, trying to stretch the boundaries so are we wrong to try to slot our work into a genre? Does classifying your work in any genre immediately define it as ‘down-market fiction’?
But… if we defy genre, we’re still at square one. How do we describe it to an agent? Your definition of The Icera Stone sounds fine to me but would an agent automatically be able to recognise that as a genre they handle?
I think I need more coffee!