JB, the article in Mslexia gave an email address: martin@serpentstail.com
Why not drop him a line and ask if you can submit by email?
Thanks Tiger, I'll get onto this tonight. Just going to go for a nice walk in the country. I need some air.
Best of luck with it, JB!
Thanks. First I'm waiting for a more detailed response from my US publisher. They said they wanted to know if I knew of any UK publishers that would suit the novel, and Serpent's Tail were the first one I thought of all those months ago, so this may work out ok. I think it will mainly depend on Serpent's Tail. I wonder what their attitude will be to a novel that is already under contract, and I wonder whether I should tell them that up front?
Ooh, I don't know, JB! I'd be inclined to tell them, but maybe Emma or Roger or someone can advise???
Yes, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I mean, clearly I wouldn't seek to fool them, but I just meant in terms of getting a foot in the door (which may not even happen.) On the other hand, it would be a real shame if Serpent's Tail liked it, and then I told them I had a US POD contract and they said 'no thanks'.
My contract with Zumaya states that if I find another, more traditional publisher, then Zumaya acts as 'agent' for the novel, and presumably takes a cut of the novel's earnings?
Actually, Zumaya have said they have a UK distributor anyway, through Booksurge or whatever, so involving yet another publisher would be unnecessary. I'm inclined to believe them, seeing as they would make money if Serpent's Tail did take on my novel as well.
Re the oriiginal post, err, I tried sending a sample to Serpent's Tail and it bounced back a few days later saying, 'sorry but they're not taking unsolicited submissions at present'. ??
Tony, why not mention the Mslexia interview with Peter Ayrton (page 52 of the Oct/Nov/Dec 2006 issue)?? Drop an email to the address they supplied with the article, maybe? It was martin@serpentstail.com
Thanks, Tiger, I'll try that. They look like an interesting outfit.
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