Hello Everybody, i've just discovered and joined this amazing website and this is a copy post from the Introducing Your Work Forum. I have finally achieved that magic first milestone of a finished novel. Getting it published however seems a million milestones away. As with many others I am collecting an impressive list of rejections. One or two (wishful thinking probably) said vaguely positive things. One problem seems to be mixed genres. Two have had it for over six months which seems a long time. Basically the story of two (saga-age - I've suggested that Sagalit should be a new genre) individuals who escape the daily grind of workaday lfe in Blair's Britain and regain their sanity against the unlikely background of a boys school. Plus good food - one of the escapees is a French Restauranteur. Anyway I've uploaded the Blurb plus the prologue if anyone wants to have a look.
'Good food', eh? - i might take an indulgent look. I've been critted several times now for being obsessed with writing about food, so will have to make do with reading about it!