Excellent news!
Wishing you all the best,
Congratulations, Cath! I've only just seen this - sorry I'm late. It was only a matter of time before someone snapped you up, of course! Very well deserved.
Good luck, wishing you all the best.
(two weeks since I signed - I feel your excitement!)
Brilliant news Cath. Keep us posted
Congratulations Cath!
Well done, Cath. Only signed with an agent last month myself.
I'm sure I chatted to Eve one day few years ago (when she hadn't long set up) and she was very nice to talk to.
All the best
Thanks, everyone !
Yeah. Derek, it looks like she's still a fairly small agency, but she seems to be doing pretty well and yeah, she's very nice and her passion for it shows.
Luisa, I've been so all over the place with house moves and travelling and blah blah, I'm not sure I congratulated you on your agent - or you may have just posted it in your group and I missed it. So if I didn't say so before: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! XXX
Breathless - sorry I missed this mate I was sneaking in the lounge and hadn't even checked these threads out.
But anyway bloody well done gal, see I knew it! No surprise tho, T n K was flippin great from beginning to end.
So exciting innit, but you deserve it luv so a million billion congrats!!!
Fantastic news Cath! Well done.
Cath, congratulations! I read a few chapters of Tash and Kev and enjoyed it very much - well deserved and I hope the journey into print is quick and easy!!
Cath, sorry its taken me so long to see this! Congratulations - you worked so hard on Tash and Kev and you absolutely deserve this!
J x
Thanks a lot everyone. Nothing's definite yet, though! I spoke to Eve earlier. She can't e-mail the contract yet as she has an electrician there and can't put her PC on yet (these things are never straightforward with me)!! She is going to later and then hopefully we'll be speaking after that.....
That sounds like a small technicality to me!
I still think congratulations are in order!
Well done, Cath. I haven't read any of Tash and Kev but from all the good things I've heard, this success seems deserved.
Brilliant news! It's great to hear when WW-ers find an agent. I'm so pleased for you.
Well, I met Eve White this afternoon and I couldn't have asked for the meeting to go any better. We got on really well. I found all my ideas for other books just came flooding out and she seemed genuinely excited by them and totally got where I'm coming from. So I've signed on the dotted line and I have an agent! Fingers crossed for the next stage....
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