I received in the post today a familiar looking envelope. Yes, it was my SAE to the first agent I had submitted my work to. I have to admit that the initial feeling I experienced wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. My sister, who's still with me from before Christmas, was more offended by the rejection than I was.
The letter was general and impersonal enough (although they did handwrite my name) for me not to take the rejection too personally. But then I got to thinking and mulling over, as you do, and then the thoughts 'maybe I'm just not good enough', 'maybe I shouldn't hope for too much' and 'who are you kidding? you! a writer? Pah!' crept stealthily into my brain. I've worked through those thoughts quickly and have now banished them to the murky depths of dormant depression (I'm sure they'll rear their ugly heads soon
) I will persevere and I will continue to write because I enjoy writing and will continue to submit my work in the event that even one person enjoys reading my writing and so the wheels keep turning.
Right...Katie (Elspeth), I know you're still wading through a backlog of submissions, but you'll be able to add mine to the pile soon