I'm not sure how to categorise "A Year in a Quandary",the book I'm writing. It describes the ups and downs of my experiences of moving to France with my second husband and two reluctant teenage daughters. I feel that to label it a 'biography' or a 'memoir'I ought to be an ageing politician or rock star- and I'm certainly not either of those. But it's not really a travel book either.Help!
Hi Joe. Do you need to classify it particularly? It could be a new genre.
Hi Jo - How would you say your book differs in genre from Peter Mayle's 'A Year in Provence'- that seems normally to be classified as a travel book?
Thanks Becca and Andrew,
I was just wondering which agents or publishers to send it to and they seem to be quite specific about what genre they are interested in. Perhaps I'll stick with travel or send it to all and take your advice Becca, telling them that it comes under the category of "In Search of Greener Grass." (Philosophy cum Experiential?)