Me again, honestly you'll be sick of the sight of me soon!
Just a quicky. Is it worth mentioning on a query letter that I am currently working on a follow up to the submitted novel? Or does this sound a bit of a cliche?
Many thanks
No. I think it's good. No agent wants a one trick pony.
Do you mean follow-up as in a sequel or just the next book? If the latter, I think they'd just assume that's what you're doing. I don't think it would harm t say it, but I don't think it would add anything. If it is a sequel then I'd say it'd be a good idea to mention it.
I think mention it, briefly. As Jem says, they want to know you've got more than one novel inside you, but 99.9% of their interest is in this novel.
If it IS a sequel, I'd go very carefully. Agents see a lot of novels which are actually the first half of a novel, because the full story came in at 250,000 words, so the writer's just chopped it in half (when actually they should have been ruthless with the whole thing). So you'd want to make it very clear that this novel was written to stand on its own, it's just that you have some other ideas for the characters' later story...
Yes, I agree you should be a bit more circumspect if it's a sequel. For one thing, I keep being told that agents find it hard enough to sell one book, let alone a series...
Not meaning you shouldn't mention it, but yes, make sure to emphasise your first one is self-contained, too.
Hi Eve26
I stuck a two line outline of the next book at the bottom of my synopsis - if they read that far - but as Emma says, this book is a stand alone one.