I sent this this morning to Arete:
Dear Craig Raine
Thank you for all my stories coming back to me this morning all in one lump – stories submitted over 2 years ago in some cases. Did you find a cupboard where they were hidden? Is there a reason I get a story recently sent to you returned at the same time as stories I had long given up on and had in fact since had published in The London Magazine?
These stories have come back in one heap without a word of apology for the tardiness. And to add insult to injury the return SAE was out of date by 19p as postage has gone up since August 2003 and consequently I had to pay £1.19 to have my out of date and now published ms returned to me.
You can imagine I will not be renewing my subscription to your magazine and will be informing those that I know in the writing community of your magazine’s inefficiency.
Jai Clar
reason 533 in my series of why subbing is a waste of time.
and yes I do know how to spell my name! but missed the e off when I copied it over!
Jai, disgusting treatment but good letter!
Hope you're feeling better for it
That really is inexcusable. And you're getting along very well without them, anyway.
Jai, it makes you wonder whether to laugh at their unprofessional bungling or cry at the insensitivity. That is an unforgivable way to treat anyone, and I hope someone gets a bollocking for it. I’d be interested to hear if you get a reply.
Move on – they need you more than you need them.