Greeting all and thank you for your time,
Let me firstly intoduce myself as the owner of Black Orc Publishing, a small publisher specialising purely in ebooks for aspiring fantasy authors. I am posting here to bring myself to your attention and provide a brief summary of what I can offer you.
Black Orc Publishing will soon be up and running and able to take on it's first wave of authors wanting their book published in electonic format. I can offer you piece of mind that there will be no lengthy contracts tying your work away, and can also provide you with upto 70% royalties on all sales of your ebook.
To keep this short and sweet I leave you with my temporary contact details if you wish to contact me with any questions or submissions:
In this day and age there is little point in publicising yours services until you have a website in place - especially when that business is in e-publishing.
Make sure you include a page detailing your submission guidelines.
- NaomiM
Asking for help and advice is fine, but advertisments are liable to be removed by Admin.