An old article but very amusing. Shows that it is possible and that life as a published author isn't necessarily what it's cracked up to be!,,1065960,00.html
See, you can get published off the slush pile.
What a good article. Thanks for posting, Traveller.
Yeah, it's an interesting insight isn't it? I love the idea of the poor underpaid writer inadvertently discovering something great, while getting depressed about his own work. Also, the fact that an agent would give a job to her poor struggling writer - hmmmm *quickly sends off his partial to CC*
Poor guy - the discoverer, that is. I wonder if he ever did publish another novel?
Not visibly on Amazon, unless he's writing as someone else. Poor bloke: ME really is a horrible thing.
But if he's so dismissive of the slush pile... how did he get published in the first place?
That was great- thanks so much