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  • Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by Traveller at 21:30 on 03 April 2008
    I was thinking about this recently - do you query agents exclusively by email or hard copy or both? I've been using a bit of both but mostly email - was just wondering what others did.
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by NMott at 23:50 on 03 April 2008
    Usually hard copy unless I hear from other writers that an agency accepts email submissions. It is my understanding that the majority of UK agents only accept hard copies, whereas if you are submitting to US agents from the UK, most accept emails.

    - NaomiM


    Use one or the other, don't send both.


    I've assumed by 'query' you mean submission rather than enquiry. If you mean follow up enquiry, I would email.
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by BeckyC at 11:47 on 04 April 2008
    For a follow-up enquiry, I always emailed.

    For an initial enquiry, I actually usually emailed as well, particularly if there was anything "extra" I could say about why I was approaching them specifically (authors on their list that I liked, any personal connection etc). I think it helps to establish a slightly more personal connection, and with me it always resulted in them saying "send it along to me", so at least they were sort of expecting it and I could address it to them directly. A few just asked me to email it, as well, which is always better in my book as you KNOW it's got to them and not an anonymous reader.

    I'm sure there are some agents who don't like email approaches, but no one I approached seemed to have a problem with it. I found out their addresses on www.everyonewhosanyone.com


    And also I tried not to repeat myself and make myself sound completely idiotic (like writing "personal connection" twice in two sentences) ;-)
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by Colin-M at 16:35 on 04 April 2008
    For submissions I always sent hard copy, even if they requested a full script. I think they like to have the paper in their hands. But even now, I've got an agent and I've just finished a new script, so I'll send that as a hard copy - but I'll also email a copy. She tends to read the hard copy, but puts notes on the word document.

    Colin M
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by susieangela at 17:01 on 04 April 2008
    Sorry if I'm being thick, but do most people usually send emails to agents before sending a partial out? I've never been able to work out whether to just send out partials to agents or whether one is meant to enquire first?
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by Colin-M at 17:54 on 04 April 2008
    The only problem with not sending an enquiry is that some agencies close their doors, and you could be wasting your money. I've only experienced this with Curtis Brown (UK) who sent my script back saying to try again in November. But emails are free, and don't take up time in the same way a phone call does, so why now? If ten out of twenty agencies you contact can tell you that it's definitely not for them you'll stand to save enough for a bottle of bubbly, should the others accept
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by susieangela at 18:33 on 04 April 2008
    Good point, Colin. But we keep getting told that agents don't want the bother of being bothered! Wouldn't they get sick of constant emails from writers asking if they can send stuff?
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by Dee at 20:50 on 04 April 2008
    Well, the options are being bothered by emails, an unmanageable slushpile, or nothing. I think most of them would prefer an email asking if they're open to submissions, and one line to describe the theme.

    I'm amazed that so many seem to live in the past, as far as technology goes. I was reading the submission guidelines recently for one of the country’s top agencies, and their advice was to keep the top copy of any work submitted… top copy? Come on!

  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by Traveller at 11:40 on 05 April 2008
    It's interesting, actually - the use of email. I've found it hit and miss. Sometimes, it's great for bypassing readers and getting straight to an agent. Other times, I'm not sure whether agents read all their emails and lots probably divert into 'junk' mail. I queried one agent years ago and he didn't respond to my email - but he recently read my submission when I resent it to him - the notoriously cryptic ST.
  • Re: Email or hard copy query to agents?
    by Antarctic at 14:09 on 08 April 2008
    I use email when that's their preferred option, but then have no idea if they've got it, and with Snowbooks, for example, know it took three attempts before they received it as it kept going into bulk or trash or something equally unfortunate....