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  • pompous or not?
    by cherys at 10:02 on 20 July 2007
    When submitting a collection of stories to a publisher whose list you know well and genuinely admire, is it pompous to say, 'I think my work would fit well in your list' or some more elegant phrasing along the same lines?
    I'm stuck on how to sound confident without coming over as a cocky chancer.
    And how much comment would it be appropriate to give about the works they publish that I genuinely admire? Want to make it clear I know and like what they do which is why I'm subbing to them first, but don't want to sound like I think they need my critiquing service.
    Blimey, subbing could be a bit of a minefield. Used to just packing shorts off to comps and mags.
  • Re: pompous or not?
    by Jess at 10:39 on 20 July 2007
    How about "As a long-time admirer of 'Fab book 1' and 'Fab Book 2' I am hoping that you will consider my book 'Another Fab book' for your list.
  • Re: pompous or not?
    by NMott at 10:52 on 20 July 2007
    Some craft books do recommend that approach, Cherys, especially when you are submitting to a publisher rather than an Agent. But you would have to very sure that your mss does fit their list and the synopsis supports that statement.

    - NaomiM


    Of course, you want to avoid giving the impression it's a clone of what they've already got on their list.
  • Re: pompous or not?
    by cherys at 11:23 on 20 July 2007
    Naomi - I think it would fit, wouldn't approach them otherwise. And they're a small but growing publisher who expect writers to submit work unagented. But it is a tad similar to what they already have...
    Thanks for your help.


    Oops sorry JESS.
  • Re: pompous or not?
    by EmmaD at 11:28 on 20 July 2007
    I know this is said by a lot of people, and I've never been sure about it. This, from Editorial Anonymous blog. It's about children's, but obviously applies too.

    A few years ago, I read a bunch of those "advice for authors" books. They all agreed that in a good query letter one MUST mention a few books from the publisher's backlist and a GREAT query letter also mentions why those particular books are wonderful.

    So fast forward to today - I've actually got writing credits now and I like to keep my query letters short. Is it all right to assume that editors KNOW what's on their backlist and KNOW they're good books? It's not like they'd publish junk!

    I always CHECK the backlist to make sure my book is a good fit, but I'd really rather spend the query talking about MY book... not what they've already published.... somehow it doesn't seem like a good use of anyone's time to include a paragraph like:
    Your firm has a history of publishing fabulous picture books involving meter and rhyme. I especially liked Peach at the Beach, Carrot in a Garret and Babbage the Cabbage. I think my book, Celery in Hell-ery would be an excellent addition to your luminous list!
    So, what says an actual editor who has to read millions of these things?

    Your pub credits are much more interesting than praise for our list (assuming they're credits at houses I'll recognize).
    But for those of you reading the blog who haven't got any pub credits, don't bother including a paragraph like the one above. If you're going to show that you know what the publisher publishes, it involves more than mixing some titles with some positive adjectives. Say why the books you mention are good, or talk about something else.

    I tend to think that it's hard not write paragraphs like that without sounding a bit crawly, and in a way, if you're worried your stuff is really rather similar, the last thing you want to do is draw their attention to it. But I don't really know.

  • Re: pompous or not?
    by Lammi at 11:42 on 20 July 2007
    On the other hand, it's useful if you can show you already have an idea of how your book might be marketed, where it would sit on the shelves.

    If you don't already have much of a writing CV* I wouldn't worry. My editor says she pays no attention to how many comps someone's won, it's the ms itself that matters.

    *Sorry, cherys, I know you do, so this is a general point.
  • Re: pompous or not?
    by cherys at 11:43 on 20 July 2007
    Thanks Emma
    Think I posted this because the minute I started writing the letter it sounded crawly and inauthentic, even though I do genuinely admire the writers in question.
    Will have to give it more thought.
  • Re: pompous or not?
    by NMott at 12:57 on 20 July 2007
    Everyone responds to flattery, so I can't see that you've got anything to lose by simply saying 'I greatly admire the quality of work you publish, and I hope this will compliment your list' (or words to that effect).
    The worst they are going to say is 'no it doesn't'. And if they come back to you and say 'yes it does, but we already have something similar' at least you'll know you're on the right track.

    - NaomiM