I am about to submit a short story to a magazine for the very first time in my adult life. I have written a covering letter, but I am not at all sure of myself. What would you write in this sort of covering letter? I feel like an utter idiot!
Hi Ani,
I've never submitted a story to a magazine, but I read the following online over the weekend -- it seems to cover all the bases and shows sample letters:
Skeetr -
Thanks. I've taken a look and the site looks helpful. In fact, I am carrying the sample letter on my clipboard as I type out this response!
Thanks for the tip. This looks really useful.
Interesting article Skeetr, more for novelists than shorts writers.
Ani, if it's the first story you've ever sent in, all you need to say if you're sending it by snail mail is: Enclosed is a short story, (give its title) for consideration in the next edition of your magazine. I have not enclosed an SAE, as I do not require you to return the copy.'
Make sure all your address and phone details are on the letter. If it was for a specific competition, or there was a theme, mention that. Sometimes publishers want a short 50 word biog, something about you to put at the end of the story. But if they don't ask for it, don't worry about it. If they want your story they'll get in touch and ask for a biog. Two sentences only does the trick. Good Luck.
Thanks Becca. I did post it off today via snail mail. My covering letter ended up being just about what you said, except I enclosed the SAE even though I said I didn't need the story returned! Growing pains.
That's good, you got it right. Did you stare at the envelope as you put it in the post box and conjure up your personal angels?