I was recently reading Joshua Braff's blog on myspace and was interested by some of his thoughts on writing and the publishing world.
One point in particular stood out to me as I read through.
He said:
To the aspiring writers out there, the quickest piece of advice I can give to you is something a mentor of mine said to me about ten years ago. And although it may sound a tad corny out of context, anyone attempting to produce any form of art will understand. The advice was to - Dig Deep. Now, actually digging deep into yourself to potentially produce something that will be shared with the masses, can be a daunting task. There may be places deep inside you that youre not quite ready to tap into or feel afraid to tap into. But look at the various types of art that you love. Whoever produced it, probably bled a little in his/her attempt to give it to you. Bled in the previous sentence, implies the act of making yourself vulnerable or even turning yourself inside out for days or weeks at a time in an attempt to put something substantial and meaningful and poignant down on the page or on the canvas or on your tape recorder or on stage. And when youve found this part of yourself you then need to balance it with characters and metaphor and humor and sexuality and symbolism and the things that make your story unique to you - meaning your very own voice. |
My question is how many of you have really dug deep for a piece of writing, to the point of making yourself vulnerable? And if you did, what did you gain from the experience? Was the writing you produced truely a quality piece of work? What is it that helps you to tap into that part of you?
Just something that I am thinking about as I launch my latest project. It is something that I feel incredibly vulnerable about, and the initial draft of the first 2 chapters reflected that, with significant emotional distance. I have now gone back to the beginning and have decided that if I am going to do it justice, I am going to have to lay my soul bare, but I have a feeling that will involve shedding a little blood of my own.
I would love to hear people's thoughts on this.
Ps If anyone would like to take a look at Joshua's page it is