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Random Read

This 19 message thread spans 2 pages: 1  2  > >  
  • Random Phrases
    by Elspeth at 11:20 on 04 December 2003
    I don't know if anyone caught the weather forecast after the ten o'clock news last night, but the weatherman opened with a wonderful phrase, talking about
    "anti-cyclonic gloom". Apparantly this has something to do with high pressure and explains why I can't read without the lights on at 11am. But it immediately gave me visions of some terrible new form of manic depression.
    It reminded me of when I was on holiday in Cornwall over the summer and went past a house that was named "Baggywrinkle". Again, I'm sudenly hallucinating, this time about some bizarre creature living in the Cornish countryside.
    Just wondered if other people have come across unfamiliar phrases and give them a different meaning to the one intended. Or found random words that spark something in your head.
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Nell at 11:33 on 04 December 2003
    Weather forecasters seem to be quite inventive when it comes to new phrases. I don't who invented the description of clouds as 'bubbling up' which was unknown some years ago, but for me it creates a picture of God as some gigantic alchemist standing over a vat with the clouds tumbling over the sides like liquid oxygen.

    I can't think of any more at the moment, but this could become a really inspirational thread.
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by olebut at 11:40 on 04 December 2003
    I have to admit to enjoying questioning the pharsiology when the reporter or who ever in an attempt to precis the interview or sound more knowledgeable than they are uses a phrase incorectly, perhpas due to inflection or bad punctuation

    I have often wondered about newspaper headlines such as :

    Mother of Four in crash

    bit young to be a mothe risn't she

    man stabbed 4 times in the wandsworth area

    which part of your body is your wandsworth area

    ect etc yes petty I know
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Dee at 19:15 on 04 December 2003
    Reminds me of: 'she's never been the same since she was shot in the troubles.'

    On the weather front (sorry) I love the word mizzle

    Nice idea for a thread, Katie.
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by ginag at 20:24 on 04 December 2003
    I always remember, many years ago they used to do a slot on the radio where people could send in words they had thought up. The one I remember best was prinkles, to describe the marks left on your face by your pillow.

  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Dee at 20:27 on 04 December 2003
    Lovely, Gina.
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Elspeth at 13:15 on 05 December 2003
    By complete coincidence, a friend e-mailed me today about The Washington Post's Style Invitational. It's a competition where you take any word from the dictionary and then alter it by adding, subtracting or changing one letter, and then supply a new definition. Here are some of the winners:

    Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realise it was your money to start with.

    Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

    Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

    Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

    Decafalon: The gruelling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

    The list goes on and on. Anyone got ideas for anymore?
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Tim Darwin at 14:09 on 05 December 2003
    Those are wonderful, Elspeth!

    Not quite the same thing, but in the same neighbourhood:

    1. I have long been campaigning to have the verb misunderhear[/'] formally accepted into standard English, as it is distinct from both mishearing someone and misunderstanding someone, a precise form of taken the correct understanding from an incorrectly heard utterance.

    2. It's always worth considering the real meanings of various Latin tags that have passed into the language. For example, in a story I'm doing at the moment, one character is convinced that to stand in loco parentis means he has been granted the licence to act as crazy as his parents.


    oops, the italics went a bit skew-whiffy!
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Nell at 15:01 on 05 December 2003
    Katie, not only clever but funny, and I daresay some of those words will find their way into dictionaries given time.

    Tim, I love misunderstood (guilty of that too) Latin phrases; there was a fashion for made up ones too a while ago. Anyone remember sic transit gloria? (Gloria went for a ride in a van and was sick.) Another favourite was nil carborundum illegitimi, (Don't let the bastards grind you down.) There were lots more but I've forgotten them.
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by olebut at 15:46 on 05 December 2003
    my step daughter used to use the following when recalling an event she got it from her


  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Becca at 07:51 on 07 December 2003
    Not as clever, but it delighted me, ..'I put the dirty towels in the naughty basket.' told me by a young man at my work place with learning difficulties. Or 'I just want to follow you onto public transport and not be seen.' My lover in a moment of passion.
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Dee at 15:45 on 18 December 2003
    I'm sure this thread still has lots of life in it! Come on guys, don't clog up your mental thingies with mince pies (thingies? god! it's got to me already)

    Right. Here goes...

    I think 'flutterby' is so much more descriptive than butterfly.

    And I once knew a little boy who called double-decker buses 'bussadeckers'.

  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Elspeth at 17:10 on 18 December 2003
    Right Dee - I'm on the case (boy, you really are back aren't you - hooray)
    I worked as an au pair in the States and always laughed when three year old Sarah asked about the toys on the 'Mershicals' (Commercials).

    And you're right Dee, 'Flutterby' is a great word, it just rolls off the tongue better.
    By the way, are these things Spoonerisms, or is that something else?

    So where are all the new suggestions for the Washington Post's competition?......(I know, I couldn't think of any either)
  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Jumbo at 19:03 on 18 December 2003
    How about conpuncture - a combination of events leading to deflation.
    No throwing things!!


  • Re: Random Phrases
    by Jumbo at 19:06 on 18 December 2003
    ... or even hevicopter for one that will never get off the ground.
  • This 19 message thread spans 2 pages: 1  2  > >