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  • Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by EmmaD at 12:50 on 17 September 2013
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by debac at 13:06 on 17 September 2013
    Scarily accurate. I am a mixture of the cleaner (which actually surprises me), the list maker, the sidetracker and the social sharer. I don't do the others, but since I am FOUR of the twelve I'm thinking that I ought to be the panicker, cos how on earth am I going to get anything done????

    Which one(s) are you, Emma and everyone?

    I've downloaded some hypnosis tracks on achieving goals, not procrastinating and so on. You're supposed to listen to them with your eyes closed on a bed or chair, but I've been listening to them whilst I do household chores, which are soooo boring that I feel they have my full attention.

    What's the name of that software that can stop you logging onto certain sites except for set periods in a day. Maybe I need that. Fb and WW only twice a day from now on!!!

  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by debac at 13:09 on 17 September 2013
    When listening to one of my hypnosis tracks this morning, it asked me to think about what change in my circs would make me more likely to get my head down to the task in hand. I think the two things which trip me up are feeling tired and feeling lonely. The latter causes me to interact on fb (and other places).

    What things trip up you guys?

  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Anna Reynolds at 13:33 on 17 September 2013
    I am definitely the List Maker and the Internet Researcher. But I love the the Snacker...maybe I am one of those too as I often chunk up time on a difficult piece of work by thinking, hmm, I'll go and get a banana/etc, THEn and only then will I get down to that thing, but get sidetracked by the washing up... nightmare.


    What would trip me up- money, lack of, and deadlines. Knowing I am dealing with/working with/to someone who will really give me a hard time if I were to be late/not up to scratch. And, the ferret sitting on my shoulder shouting at me, 'Get on with it!'


    Ah...now I get what you mean, not what would make you do it, but stop you... well, not being anywhere near a deadline, or not having one is always Very Bad in my opinion. Tiredness, definitely, as I tend to assume I'll not produce anything worth having...
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Alex29 at 16:42 on 17 September 2013
    Internet research! Write Words! 'How to books'. 'How other people do books'.Long walk. Long horse muck about sesion. Any thing sheep. Today it was harvesting our onions in the rain and sitting on pier in my van at West Bay trying to work out how I would describe the sky- if I had to...If I am really avoiding work then horoscopes or free tarot sites that eventually give me a reason beyond my control not to write. Thinking about avoiding it is often more elaborate and exhausting than getting on with it. I am more likely to procrastinate about farm or business paper work to be honest when I am definitely a belligerent 'Scurvey Elephant' procastinator and I am going to have to search the bookcase for the book that came from so that will keep me occupied for a while because it will drive me nuts till I do! - I don't think I had better try hypnosis I had to give up the yoga/mindfulness/meditation stuff as I kept falling asleep. Activity tends to stimulate me to then settle and write. At the moment I am stuck indoors and it is raining and my mind notices that before any story thoughts by the time I have blown about the orchard getting the geese in I will have no excuses left.MC
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Alex29 at 16:47 on 17 September 2013
    Actually the thing that really gets me shifting is the fact that husband Gordon is slogging around in our lorry(Which he loves) while I get the luxury of the farm and time to write and the idea that -bless him- he really thinks I can do this! No pressure there then. MC
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Catkin at 19:14 on 17 September 2013
    free tarot sites

    Oh really??? Where, Alex, where?

    Is this another thing that we have in common (to compensate for my being a dog not-lover). I'm a tarot-reader.

    Oh yes, and edited to take account of the actual subject under discussion here, I'm a Panicker, A Napper and a Watcher.

    Edited by Catkin at 19:18:00 on 17 September 2013
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Alex29 at 22:21 on 17 September 2013
    I think it was via Horoscope.com or something- I am not really into this stuff it is as likely to be wrong as right and as this lets you keep trying you can basically stop when you get the cards you want to fit your 'moment' which implies a fair degree of self determination so don't blame me if I have just added to your list of distractions Catkin!MC

    Edited by Alex29 at 22:23:00 on 17 September 2013
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Catkin at 11:10 on 18 September 2013
    it is as likely to be wrong as right and as this lets you keep trying you can basically stop when you get the cards you want

    Agreed. That's one of the things I like about it.
  • Re: Which kind of procrastinator are you?
    by Freebird at 12:07 on 18 September 2013
    lol - I'm cleaner (and I don't even like cleaning), list maker extraordinaire (I got back from holiday and wrote down nearly 50 things I had to do; consequently I haven't done any writing for two weeks), and internet researcher (it all might come in useful for the book!Honest!!!!)

    And, of course, the kind of procrastinator who clicks on links like this