Lianne, you seem to have a more modern view of French music! 'Je t'aime' is a very strange song from a film. The next line is 'Moi, non plus' neither do I. And the line after would definately have got banned in Britain!
I like Air too and what about Mojo?
Some more answers in case you needed them:
1) Who?
2) A strange mix really: Breezy electronic music, dreadful euro pop, and mustachioed old guys playing accordion music (no really).
3) Air, Daft Punk & Yann Tierson (only because he did the Amelie soundtrack - explains the accordions!)
4) Air & Daft Punk
Good luck with the article.
Sam, 2) is a good summary of the French music scene if you add rap, reggae and French rock (oh, yes!)
Daft Punk - I'd forgotten them - didn't they have the great tomato clip done by a Ford Coppola jr?
Hi there,
2)Traditional Rene Rene cafe stuff, Eurovision song contest stuff
3)Errr Sacha Distel (spelling?), Vanessa someone or other from an advert ... err ...
4)Only the above.
Sorry, not much help, am I?
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