Back to Adam's original post, I've got to share this, though I should probably keep it to myself. When I was studying in Russia bak in '94 - '95, we drank a lot of vodka, just because that's what everyone drinks; older 'civilised' people just eat a lot while they're drinking it, and the rest eat only a little. Okay, to get to the point, one day my friend and I were listening to 'The Long and Winding Road' with one headphone (we each got one ear) and drinking vodka and crying - don't ask - and just kind of carried on like that and on and on until I got inspired! And I started writing feverishly - I remember that much. Apparently I was taking the notebook with me into the loo and everything. I wrote and wrote until I suppose I fell asleep. Next morning I wake up with a horrible headache - surprise - and then remembered all this writing. I was so curious, so I found the notebook and looked at it, and you know, I filled half a notebook with gibberish. It made no sense at all. Scrambled right brain, eh?
No Ani! It was art! One day, probably when you've popped your clogs, it will be famous - like in Bill and Ted, 'every rose has it's thorn, dude!'
I did something similar when I was about 16 - but it wasn't vodka and that's all I'm saying! I managed to salvage some of the nonsense and turn it into a song, though!
was it agadoo?
Art? If only!
Actually it's probably somewhere in my mom's basement. I've got a whole life lost in brown boxes down there. Maybe from the distance of ten years I could ascribe some meaning to it - meaning which in many instances would not only include interpreting what letters and words I see, but which language! LOL
I have a similar batch of boxes, but they go to wherever I live, and if anyone ever reads the contents I'll have to kill them.
Agadoo! Haha! Possibly as nonsensical, but definitely not the sort of thing that your aunt would dance to at a family party.
Ha-Ani that is so funny.
I did the same thing once, the next day when I read it, it seems I managed to say the same exact thing in 50 different ways.
I tried to write a story while hopped up on coke once, but I kept wanting to take the next line instead of write the next word.
Skippoo, was it Ebenezer Goode?
I'm amazed by people who can drink and write, I certainly can't. Makes me think, though, of that scene from Sideways: "You didn't drink and dial, did you?"
I had to hide my phones before I took my first drink of the day, because drunk dialing got me into too much trouble.
I had a girlfriend call me back the next day once crying her eyes out. I asked her what was wrong. She said,"You don't remember anything you said last night, do you?"
Adam, that's very poignant; you should write about it.
Ha! You just reminded of my worst drunk dial ever:
I had gotten in an argument with some girl I knew, over the phone, in turn she threatened to send her black boyfriends over to my apartment to beat me up. I said, "Bring it on, I'll be outside waiting."
So I sat outside my apartment in my chair, shitfaced, waiting. Then passed out. I woke up with a gash in my head the size of Texas. Blood everywhere. Somehow I had made it to my bed inside the apartment. The sheets and pillows were drenched in blood. Needless to say I never talked to that girl again. What a psycho.
sorry that should read "big black boyfriends"
Hmm, not that poignant after all...
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