I think the reason we don't see tigers at the doctors is because they are all in Bupa and go private.
But then again I suppose they'd probably go to the vets. I don't go to the vets so I wouldn't know. I'll ask the Llama that lives next door if he has seen any tigers getting their blood pressure checked recently.
Yes I have seen an eighty year old tiger. My neighbour is an 84 year old tiger actually. And, as far as I am aware, she has never suffered from blocked arteries - just bad breath and flatulance.
And, yes we have pointy teeth, which you'd think are designed for tearing meat. But so do mountain gorillas and they don't eat meat - they just graze on nuts and fruit and berries and stuff. So get your teeth into that!
Personally, I think it probably depends on your blood type whether or not you should eat meat and what meat. I avoid red meat but eat lots of fish and poultry. If I don't eat lots of protein I go a bit mad.
OK, I was exaggerating about quorn giving you thrush, but it you have a tendency to yeasty type problems (either thrush or in digestive system - it's v. common, y'know) then foods like mushrooms can make it worse.
That's Dr Cath's nutrition lesson for today. Off to pull some more porn taches. x