The Abstracta Project is the name of a literary experiment which will be constructed out of "found texts" provided by a number of writers. The person or people behind The Abstracta Project (whoever it is is remaining scrupulously anonymous) will weave these contributions together into some kind of finished, and hopefully continuous text, which may or may not be a novel. It could, I suppose, remain a random anthology. The writers are all working independently of each other.
I don't know whether it's a great idea or insanity, but I've decided to be involved with it anyhow! I was able to submit something which I had already written, which is basically a fragment of a novel I won't ever get round to finishing. The writers concerned will be named, but the bits each writer contributed will not be identified. It could be something of a parlour game, guessing who wrote what. Stephen Hall, of the Raw Shark Texts, is one of the other writers. I think they are still looking for contributors, if anyone is interested. Or am I the only person who likes this kind of thing?
Here's the myspace page: