- Thanks, Dee.
- John, Don’t know if it was meant to be funny but – your idea of streetwise guy and 90 year old women - made me laugh so much. I’m still laughing now.
Err, yes. It sounded funny as I wrote it, but you know how these things look suddenly un-funny once you've posted them!
But I'm glad it made you laugh!
So the elves could disagree about what to do with the stuff in the memory / unconscious!
To be effective, do you think this would have to be told from the inside (that is, where the elves are) and then from the 'outside', witnessing the owner of the brain?
Maybe from the ‘outside’ – the brain/body doing all the actions but wondering why he wants to – possibly putting it down to midlife crisis? Then you could slip in little conversations between the elves… what’s he doing - did you tell him to open that envelope – no mate, not me…
What envelope?
I dunno mate... I'm just making this up as I go along...
Ah, excellent stuff guys! Glad we've got into the swing of it after a bumpy start.
And Jumbo - coming soon to a screen near you is the new Mitsubishi ad, involving a twenty something guy going out with a seventy year old woman, in order to drive her car....(Pity the actors we put up for this job! - although actually they said it was a laugh)
I think I should have been a copywriter!
Ani -
Elves in the brain eh? I thought it was just some kid's bedroom at first but there you go. The hotdog thing is a funny idea, just maybe needs a more hotdoggish (now THAT'S a word!!!) description. You don't have to explain anything til the end if its a short story anyway - the entire punchline can be that it's a brain where the reader thought it was somewhere entirely different (unless that's the point in which case ignore me).
I dunno about the taking over of a person and getting them to do stoopid things - it would seem rather pointless if their job was to clean up the gaint's brain. Rather, they should be a salvage squad, trying to get what they can and selling it to other elves and fantatstical creatures. For example they should leave the brain, via a thread out of the ear, run down the side of the face, get lost in the girl's hair, get across the bedroom chased by a mad moggy, hands full of half eaten hotdogs and broken dreams and then get back to where they come from, which would open up an entire new setting and bunch of characters. Short story? Nah, this is a 150,000 word epic in the making!
P.S. Katie - I think spitballing's great (could sound dodgy) - much more cutting edge and controversial than brainstorming.
hands full of half eaten hotdogs and broken dreams |
Whatever else comes out of this thread we’re spitballing some wonderful lines…
You can see that as an RLG line can't you:
He emerged hands full of half eaten hot dogs and broken dreams.
To be continued ...
<Added>... needs a comma somewhere!
Yes... it did cross my mind but I didn't mention it in case someone decided to take it up in a future month... so well done for bringing it to everyone's attention John!!!
Wow - does that mean I get to start an RLG? That is the highest honour a WW member (part but paying...um, today I promise...) can acheive.
Tears are welling up now...
I'd like to thank...my agent who I haven't got yet, all the WW people who have kept me going through this hard time, my Mom, for always being there maaaaaaaaaaan....
Okay, I'm gonna go and lie down under my desk.
So are we gonna use it? I haven't even finished this months yet! I have started it, honest, and only haven't completed it because...er, I'm so devestatingly lazy.
Anyway, thanks Dee and Jumbo for picking that one up!
Calm down, Dav, calm down. There's a rather long waiting list, I'm afraid. Tinyclanger is booked for April then there's a list somewhere in one of the RLG threads... you can tag your name onto the ed of it.
<Added>or end... if you prefer.
Dee, just started mine!
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