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Why! by Nooty

  • Film/ movie copyright
    by Alimac at 20:46 on 09 November 2006

    I've looked through the threads on here and I can't find this question covered (forgive me if I'm wrong!)

    I want to write a novel where Film titles, and brief scenes based on the originals (though not direct copies), will be used heavily throughout the book.

    Any scenes would always be attributed by the MC's as being from a particular film.

    Does anyone know how this would work with copyright?


  • Re: Film/ movie copyright
    by EmmaD at 07:39 on 10 November 2006
    Ali, I don't think the titles would be a problem, because you can't copyright a title. But with the scenes... In theory there wouldn't be, because you can't copyright an idea, only the expression of it, i.e. the words. But also perhaps what people do and how would count? If you lifted whole scenes from another novel, even if you changed the names and tweaked the dialogue it would still be plagiarism. I suspect (and I'm no expert) it's a very grey area, as Dan Brown and the Holy Blood/Holy Grail lot would tell you.

    I think that the fact that you acknowledge it isn't really the point: either you're using someone else's copyright material, or you're not. The best people to advise you would be the Society of Authors, who have very good leaflets on this kind of thing, and will also answer queries on the phone.

    Society of Authors Publications

  • Re: Film/ movie copyright
    by Alimac at 23:07 on 10 November 2006
    Thanks Emma. I'll check it out and let you know if I found out anything. I had a feeling it might be one of those 'grey' areas!

  • Re: Film/ movie copyright
    by Alimac at 09:38 on 04 December 2006
    An update on this.

    I have been in contact with someone fairly knowledgeable on the subject, and they think in theory I should be ok. But have requested to see the manuscript once its finished just to double check. Since this is an agent,(albeit a film one) that's quite good. Especially since they said they liked my idea!

    Thanks for you help with this Emma.
