I'm not normally neurotic about online security, and I'm only sometimes grumpy. But I do get VERY PISSED OFF INDEED with friends and acquaintances who send emails to a whole group of their friends/acquaintances, with everyone's email addresses en clair.
To anyone who does that, I always feel like saying (through gritted teeth):
"Yes, I need to know that your email address has changed, and yes, I am happy to be on your mailing list for one reason or another*. But that really doesn't mean I'm happy for my email to be known by everyone else you know.
That's how spam spreads, folks. If the the group of people you're mailing haven't explicitly agreed that they all want to talk to each other, then please use BCC. It's really not difficult."
And if you feel this way too, feel free to share it, and join my Twitter campaign to #UseBCC ...
*at least, probably I'm happy. Did you, oh person I scarcely know, ASK if you could take my email from an individual exchange, and use it to send me every flicker of news, without an 'unsubscribe' link, about every blogpost and self-publishing venture that are more properly publicised on FB? Because if you didn't and you don't, I'm even more pissed off with your bad manners.