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  • Boundaries
    by Scott at 16:37 on 19 April 2003
    Would you not write something if you thought it would offend a reader or viewer? In further episodes of my script series I have many comical scenes that could cause controversy but in the name of humour should I keep them?
  • Re: Boundaries
    by Stephen N at 19:31 on 19 April 2003
    Absolutely. Whatever you write it will prabably offend someone somewhere. I wouldn't give it a second thought. Go for it. I find the best comedy always offends, otherwise it's reduced to the silly slapstick of Terry and June.
  • Re: Boundaries
    by Scott at 20:04 on 19 April 2003
    Are there any subjects you believe to be too taboo and never funny in any form, my ideas aren't actually anything too shocking to society but it would have its minor critics.
  • Re: Boundaries
    by Beverley Hills at 12:24 on 20 April 2003
    As you've already read my script you will see that I will always write whatever is in my heart as long as it is true to the piece and the characters. Some people might take offence, sure, but that's their problem, don't you think? If it's true to the piece then go for it.

  • Re: Boundaries
    by Beverley Hills at 12:28 on 20 April 2003
    As far as taboo subjects go I would find it hard to laugh at anything to do with paedophilia. Incest is a tricky subject too, the rest, I don't think I have a problem with, why what have you got cooking up there Scott???


  • Re: Boundaries
    by Scott at 13:55 on 20 April 2003
    Well I totally agree, I would never use subjects like paedophilia as a laughing matter because it isn't in any form but I suppose I was just meaning taking the mick out of certain groups of people doing things that I know would be hilarious and not cause a media melt down but that certain group may not see the humour...oh well we'll see. I've had a bit of interest in my script and so I have to start on future episodes, I already have the ideas jotted down but quite a few are well out there, a lot lot worst than anything that happens in the first ep in fact.
  • Re: Boundaries
    by Beverley Hills at 15:21 on 20 April 2003
    Hmm, yes, you do have to be so careful not to be to ...ist, if you know what I mean. I would say just go for it Scott, after all they cant hang you. Can they?

    B x
  • Re: Boundaries
    by Scott at 10:08 on 21 April 2003
    I think if you pick on one group too much you could be described as bias so the best thing is to have a pop at EVERYONE such as films like Me, Myself and Irene does and not to be TOO nasty with it, be humourful, cheeky at best and don't do the gag just to hurt feelings. As a child I had a a bit of a speech problem but I never let it get me down and I joked about it, so humour was my way of dealing with it
  • Re: Boundaries
    by Beverley Hills at 10:25 on 21 April 2003
    Yep, and it's just brilliant, no vital to write something that makes YOU laugh! I've just uploaded some chapters of a children's book which made me giggle from start to finish when I wrote it, and that's what counts eh?


    B x
  • Re: Boundaries
    by davide at 11:12 on 04 May 2003
    Scott, if you feel the so called offensive things are relevant then go for it. If your telling a truth dont water it down in case you offend someone, stick to your guns. Comedy especially I find the offensive stuff to be funnier and more true to life. Dont be scared go forth. Lets be honest whatever one writes one will always offend somebody. I was chastsied once in Inverness for saying fart
    scary dary huh. My fav stuff is bottom live shows they would´t be half as funny without the expletives or violence
    no man, write your piece the way you see and feel it.
    all the best