tc! I'm blushing! Gawd. I read your post and had to gather my thoughts for ten minutes. I'm terrible at handling compliments and praise so if I waffle or sound odd - it's my embarrassment at it all. But thank you so much...
Moving quickly on...
To answer your questions:
At the moment I'm working on three stories at the same time with two complete ones (although one of the complete ones (not On the Map) I think needs a rewrite).
It doesn't get confusing for me because the characters are all so different from each other as are their stories. I've mentioned this before but I live with these characters inside my head. Without sounding too crazy and arty farty, they're very real to me. They each have their own voice, method of talking, behaving, how they interact, act and react i.e they're individual real personalities. I know them too well to confuse them just like you wouldn't confuse real people.
Where do the ideas come from...I'm tempted to say 'my head' but that's a really old and bad joke
. It's actually inaccurate too, because of course the heart has a lot to do with ideas too. Okay, now you're going to think me crazy because I'm going to admit to living numerous lives and having met thousands of people. Inside my head, that is. Ever since I can remember, I've disappeared into my own little world in my head. It's not that I had a bad 'real' life that I had to escape - on the contrary - but it was very boring, mundane and far too many rules to strap you in. The world I created was far more exciting and I could do anything without causing harm, disappointment, shock or alarm! This continued on well into my twenties. So perhaps now my head isn't large enough to contain this 'other' world (Jumbo - I can hear you saying...oh yes it is! tsk tsk). So I write now and my ideas come from everything around me, but seen through a different lens and angle. I try not to dismiss the tiniest of ideas because there's always potential to expand and go off at different tangents. It's life and human behaviour and emotion - the sources are endless but as a poet (and a very good one) you know that already right? (all ready?).
Just like your scribbles and random lines for your poetry, tc, do the same for your stories. They may not make much sense or even look like rubbish at first, but learn not to look at the surface of things, the surface that everyone else sees. Delve deeper and twist it, even if it sounds ridiculous. I find that when it does sound ridiculous that you're on to a start of an original story that you can mould into whatever you like. Everything is so much easier after that.
Sorry if I've gone on...(as usual!!).
I bet you wish you never asked!
Nahed x