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  • Feedback welcome!
    by Tim_In at 12:19 on 16 October 2013
    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to this site, but joined up to gain some honest opinions about a project I've just started.

    My general impression from chatting to a small pool of authors is that there is a pretty steep learning curve when it comes to publishing a book (a bit of a case of 'the more you know, the more you realise there is to know' ) so the basic idea is an educational site for writers looking to publish (independently or traditionally), with a comprehensive overview of the options and (ultimately) a database of service providers such as editors, designers, marketers etc to help authors connect with people that can provide genuine value to their work.

    It would be great if people could let me know what they think, and what the most pressing problem are for first-time writers.

    My work so far (done on evenings and weekends - so do be kind!) is available at http://www.scribis.com.

    Thank you!
  • Re: Feedback welcome!
    by bewleybooks at 14:50 on 29 August 2015
    Hi there,
    I just clicked on your link, but it seems that the web site is not up and running yet.  Do let me know when you have someting available.  I'm always on the look out for good work and love giving feedback.
  • Re: Feedback welcome!
    by Bazz at 16:23 on 29 August 2015
    Hi Kaye, this thread is a bit old, they do tend to hang around, then people click on them thinking they're new (we've all done it). I don't think Tim's been on the site for a while...
  • Re: Feedback welcome!
    by Freebird at 14:39 on 17 September 2015

    Edited by Freebird at 14:35:00 on 17 September 2015
  • Re: Feedback welcome!
    by Freebird at 14:39 on 17 September 2015

    Edited by Freebird at 14:35:00 on 17 September 2015