I am an Egyptian who has immigrated to America after the 1967 Six-Day War. I have had a successful career as an engineer and manager in the telecommunications industry in the USA working for GTE, Sprint and WorldCom which ended after a three year assignment for WorldCom in Brussels. In January 2003 I retired and moved to a small village in the Southwest of France where I started writing the novel “FROM FEAST TO FAMINE” which is based on my family in Egypt and nine short stories that are based on my career in the US, Brussels. and Santiago, Chile. I also live in Naples, FL.

FROM FEAST to FAMINE is the saga of a wealthy landowning family that spans the period from the end of the First World War through the 1952 Revolution (an era of great plenty and opulence in Egypt) to the fifties and sixties ending with the death of Nasser in 1970 (a period of military dictatorship, socialism and deprivation).
This novel will find resonance with readers who will be interested to understand how Egypt was transformed from a cosmopolitan country (where Greeks, Italians, Armenians, English, French, Muslims, Jews and Christians all lived together in harmony), a country with a vibrant economy and a democracy (a Parliament, opposition parties and governments with limited tenures) to sixty years of military dictatorship and then, finally, to the chaos the country is going through today.
29. Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout the land of Egypt
30. And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and its famine shall consume the land.
Genesis 41
Hi Butros, and welcome to WW
If you're looking for feedback on your work, the best thing to do is join a suitable group that's looking nice and active. Other than that, just join in the conversation in the forums, and if you get stuck, shout for help.
Welcome to WW.
I second EmmaD's comment about joining a live group and getting stuck in to reciprocal critiquing.
Thank you Emma. I'll be very happy to join a discussion group. Any suggestions?
The groups are here:
so have a look for one which is based on your genre and/or the sort of interaction and feedback you want. Also check that it has the level of activity that will suit you - some are busier than others.
As a part member you can join on group and upload one piece of work, but obviously it all works on reciprocity so the more you put into a group, the more you get out of it.
Hi Butros,
Welcome to WW!
Hi Butros, that certainly sounds interesting! Is it finished, or are you still working on it?
It is finished and published as an e-book at Amazon.