I just uploaded the prologue to my first piece of fiction ever...I just finished my novel last week after eight months of work. I saw this forum and thought I would give this a try
My main problem is I have NO idea what genre my novel is. I took an idea and ran with it--girl with a hidden past meets others with the same past--and it's coming back to haunt them with a vengeance-- I am busy with a third draft, fixing errors and such but before I start writing to agents and such I really need to know what genre to introduce it as. It has a psychological thriller feel (like Silence of The Lambs) but is fairly gore, very little swearing or voilence. It's suggestive of abuse but not explicit (the prologue is as bad as it gets). An underlying theme is "What is Reality?" (i.e. is one person's reality different from another person's? And when does reality stop and the dream-world begin? It follows a standard storyline as far as characters go (I have a really rotten bad guy, a sidekick, an antagonist etc). It has cliffhangers at almost every chapter.
Any input would be GREATLY appreciated.
(Not just what genre it is but also comments on the prologue too would be more than welcome.)