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  • I`m back
    by alexhazel at 21:31 on 26 October 2009
    I think it's more than 2 years since I let my membership lapse, so I won't be surprised if no one remembers me. A lot's happened to me in that time, much of it not exactly the kind of thing anyone would wish for.

    Firstly, for anyone who does remember me, you might remember that I quit the site under a bit of a cloud. I feel I need to apologise to anyone who caught the edge of the mood I was in at the time. I'm not normally so negative, and even when I do feel down I don't usually throw the kind of tantrum I did back then. The thing is, my wife's health was deteriorating quite markedly back then, and I guess I was under much more emotional pressure than even I realised. But, in mitigation, I was justified in my fears: she died in December 2007. Maybe some of you have been keeping an eye on my website, and have read about it.

    Since my wife's death, I've been finding it really difficult to write. For one thing, I have much less time, as there's only me to do the washing, ironing, cooking, shopping, and all the myriad other things that constitute "housekeeping", on top of working to earn a living. For another, I've simply lacked the motivation. Losing someone you've been with for nearly 24 years is really tough, as I'm sure many of you will know, and it can be very difficult to find motivation for doing anything beyond simply existing.

    Renewing my membership here is my way of trying to get back into writing. I don't know how much time I'll have to come onto the site, and I don't think I'll be posting any work for a while. Nevertheless, I'm hoping that reading the thoughts of other writers might fire my enthusiasm again.

  • Re: I`m back
    by GaiusCoffey at 22:06 on 26 October 2009
    Hi Alex,
    I wasn't party to any of the events and not sure when you left relative to my joining. But welcome back in any case and I can't imagine you did anything bad enough to warrant an Internet grudge that could have lasted this long - I'm sure we've all said the odd thing or two on a thread that we've later regretted. Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you find inspiration again.
  • Re: I`m back
    by NMott at 22:29 on 26 October 2009
    Hi, Alex, and welcome back. Hope you get your enthusiasm for writing back.

    - NaomiM
  • Re: I`m back
    by Dee at 22:35 on 26 October 2009
    Welcome back, David. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, and hope that writing will help you.
  • Re: I`m back
    by alexhazel at 22:40 on 26 October 2009
    Hi Gaius, It wasn't any kind of grudge. I was just feeling very down with everything that was going on, and my writing took a back seat for a while.

    Hi Naomi, thanks for the welcome. I'll see how enthusiastic I feel once I've gotten back among the writing crowd.

  • Re: I`m back
    by alexhazel at 22:44 on 26 October 2009
    (Everyone's replying too fast for me to keep up )

    Thanks for your welcome, Dee. For a while it's going to be as much a question of time as of enthusiasm. I moved back to my home town of Birmingham back in May, so I'm still settling into my house to some extent. On top of that, I'm working in Manchester and commuting 5 hours each day. I have to use the train journey to work, so as to keep the day a reasonable length, so I can't even write then.

  • Re: I`m back
    by Account Closed at 09:28 on 27 October 2009
    I remember you, Alexhazel, and am so sorry to hear what's gone on since you left. There's been a lot of tantrums on WW over the years (as you probably remember), so i wouldn't worry at all on that score!

    Welcome back. Look forward to you participating again.
  • Re: I`m back
    by Jem at 11:27 on 27 October 2009
    Welcome back, Alex and please accept my condolences for your sad loss. I don't really remember how you left either, so I wouldn't worry about it. I do hope you can get into your writing again. It can be such a comfort, something we all forget when we're busy ranting about the iniquities of the publishing world and all the other stuff we writers like to whinge about periodically.
  • Re: I`m back
    by rogernmorris at 12:40 on 27 October 2009
    Hi Alex, and welcome back. I remember you, though I don't remember the circumstances of your leaving.

    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I'm not surprised writing has been difficult. It can be hard to keep the motivation going even at the best of times, but when you have something like that to contend with, well, I guess it does seem unimportant. Anyhow, if you're looking for a way back to writing, this is a good place to come to!
  • Re: I`m back
    by EmmaD at 13:37 on 27 October 2009
    Lovely to see you back, Alex, and I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure the writing will start wanting to be written when it's ready.

  • Re: I`m back
    by optimist at 15:31 on 27 October 2009
    Hi Alex - welcome back



    Sorry for the rogue smiley - it is lovely that you're back and I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I hope the writing helps.
  • Re: I`m back
    by alexhazel at 16:13 on 27 October 2009
    Smileys are fine
  • Re: I`m back
    by Account Closed at 17:28 on 27 October 2009
    Hello, Alex - I think that was all before my time, but glad that you're taking first step, dipping you toe back into writing again.

  • Re: I`m back
    by Skippoo at 21:19 on 27 October 2009

    I remember you too and like everyone else can't remember the circumstances of you leaving either! But then I've been up and down with my general participation in the site and writing in general too for various reasons. I'm so sorry for your loss and welcome back to the site.

  • Re: I`m back
    by helen black at 18:06 on 28 October 2009
    I wasn't around then, but worry not, my friend, a little light flouncing is de rigour on WW.
    Will check out the downloads on your website later.
    HB x