Ok, I have be doing some revising of the episodes that I have written so far, as per suggested by other Write word members, and I have made some changes in the episodes of my TV series that I have written so far.
First off, I have taken out most of the swearing that was in the scripts because I was watching the Batman cartoons the other day and realised that they don't use swearing in their stories. I know it was aimed at a younger audience, but it did have some very dark themes in the story. Also I feel the swearing now makes my stories look lazy so they are gone.
Next thing, as a suggestion from old friend, I've tried to tone down the amount of violence in public places. For example in Episode 3 Dragonia had a fight in the pub with her enemies. I took the fight scene out because Mindwarp returns to the pub later in the series, and he wouldn't be allowed to go back in if he caused a fight. I've also tried thinking how the actions of the super villains effect the people around them (see episode 2 for an example of this)
Also I tried to add a bit more storyline to the peaces rather than just random violence. Hopefully they are a bit better, but they still need to be improved.
Finally, if you decide to comment on it, can you make any comments at all about the grammar as I have really tried to improve it. I realised that the spell checker on the program I write my stories on is an american spell checker and there is no way to change it so I want to make sure that the grammar is suitable enough.
I have included a link to my homepage, rather than posting the things indivudually. I will also be posting a character list of the major characters in the story so that it's easy for you to understand the characters (I hope!). I will be posting some more stories at a later date. Any help you guys can give appreciated.