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  • How do I upload my work?
    by Feathers at 23:46 on 22 February 2009
    I have already mentioned the difficulty I am having with this. On further inspection I think it has something to do with 'Allowed List'. Certain sites can be added so that they won't be blocked.

    Trouble is I cannot find this list. It's got something to do with ActivX (not a clue what that is supposed to be) but my computer doesn't like it. Does anyone know how to upload my work?

  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by NMott at 00:15 on 23 February 2009
    Can I just clarify, are you trying to upload a script?

    - NaomiM


    or do you want to upload a couple thousand word chapter or short story?
  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by Feathers at 00:15 on 24 February 2009
    I was going to upload the first 4 pages of my novel and ask for some comments. It is finished but I need some feedback as this is a first novel and I'm not sure what to do with it.

  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by NMott at 00:59 on 24 February 2009
    I was going to upload the first 4 pages of my novel and ask for some comments. It is finished but I need some feedback as this is a first novel and I'm not sure what to do with it.

    In that case, you shouldn't need to worry about Activex or 'Allowed List', because you are simply copying text from a word document, and pasting it into the upload window on WriteWords.

    I could be wrong, but from what I've been able to find out about Activx and 'allowed list' is that you would only need to worry about these if you were trying to upload a Word, or pdf, document, or similar, which would appear in the box as a button that the reader would click on to take them to a Word, or pdf, file. These are sometimes used by members uploading scripts and who want to keep the text in that particular format.

    I see that you have tried to upload something already and there is a line of text inside the box, so your system is not blocking text per se.
    If you go to your Word file and copy the first 4 pages of text, then go to this WW upload and click 'owner edit' you should then be able to paste the text into the box.

    If your machine then says this action is blocked come back here and we'll try to work out what's going wrong.

    - NaomiM
  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by Feathers at 22:43 on 24 February 2009
    I have tried to copy and paste but to date I have not succeeded. I don't know how to get the document out of its file to the page on Writewords. In fact I think if I could copy the text I might get as far as pasteing it. Which Copy and Paste do I use? The 'file' copy and paste is greyed out which means I can't use that. I have tried e-mailing it to myself but I still can't move it on. I think I need a neighbour to show me what buttons to press. No-one seems to know about computers round here.

  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by NMott at 00:07 on 25 February 2009
    The 'file' copy and paste is greyed out which means I can't use that

    Assuming the file has not been saved as a 'read only' file, and so cannot be copied or edited in any way, they are most probably greyed out because you haven't selected the section of text which you want to copy.

    Go to the end of page 4. Assuming you've got a mouse, rather than a touch pad, hold down the left button of the mouse and move the mouse up to drag the cursor upwards and the pages will scroll up to the top of page 1. Then take your finger off the mouse button and hold down the control key - which should be marked 'ctrl' - and the letter 'C' together, and that will copy the highlighted text.
    Then when you go to the upload box on WW, hold down the 'ctrl' key and the letter 'V' and that will paste the text into the message box.

    If you have a touchpad, hold down the left button below it and move your finger up the touchpad and that should highlight the section of text. Then, again, hold down 'ctrl' and 'C' together and that should copy the text, and then 'ctrl' plus 'V' to paste it in the WW message box.

    Alternatively, if it's a short file, go to 'Edit' on the tool bar and click 'Select All' on the drop down window and that should highlight everything in the file, and then click 'Copy'
    When you go to the WW upload box, press 'ctrl' and 'V' to paste. That will paste everything in the file.

    - NaomiM


    PS, this also assumes you've opened the file in Word, before proceeding to select the text.
  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by Feathers at 18:40 on 25 February 2009
    Thank you for your help. I do believe it may have worked. The only thing is I already have The Last Man (which didn't upload) but it is the same thing.
    The chapter is called The Last Man the whole thing is called Agemo the Philosopher.

  • Re: How do I upload my work?
    by NMott at 09:08 on 26 February 2009
    Yay, it's worked. Phew!

    - NaomiM