Hi, Pipperhaye and Welcome to WriteWords.
Not sure what you mean by 'main page'. Work can be uploaded in one of two places, a Group Forum, like Chick-lit, Crime, Childrens, etc, or in the Archive.
If you click on 'Archive' in the top left hand corner of this page, you'll see your work listed down the right.
If you click on 'Groups', between 'Archive' and 'Writing Jobs', you'll see all the Writing Group Forums on we have on WriteWords. Have a look around and find one to join. When you click on a Group you will see a line that says 'Click here to join this group'.
Once you apply to join, you'll have to wait a few hours while your application is pending, then when you go to Owner Edit on your uploaded piece of work, you'll be able to select that group to upload your work into.
When you upload new work, your old work won't be deleted, but will simply be moved into the Archive.
Some are groups quieter than others, so it's best to pick a active group, and some are Full. If you want to join one of the Full ones you can either PM the Group Host, or send an email direct to Admin. and ask if space can be made for you.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
- NaomiM